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Author: Alan Taylor ( contact the author
Subject: Just purchased 282
Info: (28652 views) Posted: Thursday 8-21-08 11:18:20 AM
Jim, Welcome to Windmilling! Sign the Roster on the website. Join the Yahoo Group. (Send your dues to Allen)

Years ago I stripped a Windmill (#2612) and laid Dynel over the hull. I was happy with the process. This is one link I found - Google for others.

Fiberglassing the hull is also common.

Keep asking questions - you'll get lots of answers.

Alan (\_

:: Hey

:: I just joined the group

:: look forward to hearing from you all

:: just purchased #282 and will restore her this fall

:: So Im going to need some help

:: I built a Glen-L 15 a long time ago so I have a little
:: experience but not much

:: any help would be appreciated Post away

:: I understand the Windmill is a little Tipsy? What does
:: that mean?

:: I dont plan to get her in gusty or strong winds at least
:: not for a long long time.

:: Ill take some before and after photos for the webpage

:: Any thoughts on fiberglasing the bottom?

:: I didn't do it on my Glen-L and always wished I had.

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