2012 Southerns Boca Ciega YC

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Sitting at the table waiting for Prize Giving
Sitting at the table waiting for Prize Giving (Original: 2048x1536)

Meg winning a raffle prize
Meg winning a raffle prize (Original: 2048x1536)

Ralph and Sandy Winning 3rd Place
Ralph and Sandy Winning 3rd Place (Original: 2048x1536)

Ethan and Karen Winning 1st Place
Ethan and Karen Winning 1st Place (Original: 2048x1536)

Allison and Alex Silver
Allison and Alex Silver "Tough Luck" Award (Original: 2048x1536)

Lisa Fath I'll win this one next year
Lisa Fath I'll win this one next year (Original: 2048x1536)

Lon and the Sea scout boats
Lon and the Sea scout boats (Original: 1280x960)

Colin making adjustments by the sunset
Colin making adjustments by the sunset (Original: 1280x960)

The other side of the table
The other side of the table (Original: 2048x1536)

Karen Ethans crew winning a raffle prize
Karen Ethans crew winning a raffle prize (Original: 2048x1536)

Lon and Meg Winning 2nd Place
Lon and Meg Winning 2nd Place (Original: 2048x1536)

The Big Silver 1st Place trophy
The Big Silver 1st Place trophy (Original: 2048x1536)

Lisa Fath being Lisa
Lisa Fath being Lisa "I'll get this next year" (Original: 2048x1536)

Ethans New Boat
Ethans New Boat (Original: 2048x1536)

Visiting boats preparation
Visiting boats preparation (Original: 1280x960)

Longtail by the bay
Longtail by the bay (Original: 1280x960)